Saturday, July 21, 2012

Viewer Videos

Upload Your Video To Mood Gym 

LABELLE, FL. -- Now you can upload your videos directly to the Mood Gym. Click on any of the video clips to play. Make a new video, upload an existing video on your computer, or upload an existing one from your YouTube channel.

Thanks to Kevin Shutt and "The Naked Truth" for the Sebring, Fl. and National news commentary in his video broadcast.

Upload your video here:

 Click to play the videos:

Friday, July 20, 2012

Upload Your Videos To The News Blog

Got A Video? Upload It To Mood Gym For Everyone To View

LABELLE, FL. -- Mood Gym, Southwest Florida Online and Sunday Morning News readers may now submit their own videos for possible publication on the blog news pages. 

Do you have a favorite video, a fun or newsworthy event that was recorded, a traffic crash from your cell camera, a meeting or event announcement, an interview with a unique person, or a cute pet video? Use your creativity and send a video using the widget below. We'll post the best here on the page for everyone to see.

Videos can be uploaded from an existing YouTube channel, directly from your computer, or make a new video direct from your webcam. Click on the appropriate tab below to begin. We'll publish the best, most original and creative, or newsworthy videos on the page for everyone to see. 

Try it. Click on the tab below to upload your video from any of three sources; your webcam, YouTube, or upload from your computer video files. (Sorry, we can't publish anything that contains copyrighted content including music.)

Please email the editor when you make or upload a video so we can quickly review it. The video will appear on your YouTube channel and if we select it on the Mood Gym page or Southwest Florida Online.

View the already selected uploaded videos here